Myths Of Marketing

7 Reasons Why Conversational Marketing Is The Next Marketing Swiss Army Knife

You might agree that trying to engage or satisfy your audience is getting increasingly difficult these days.

And thanks to a few/ or many bad eggs, it is getting harder to be able to use conventional digital marketing tools and strategies to reach them.

Myths Of Marketing

3 Myths of Marketing vs Branding

There are many common myths about marketing vs branding and how it influences business performance. Thought I should share some insights and observations that can help debunk these myths.

Myths Of Marketing

Inbound Vs Outbound Marketing

One of the things that I noticed was that they often shared the different mediums for outreach and the amount of money have invested into campaigns but still are not seeing the results that they want. Underneath the elaborate plans and systems that they are using, they will skip on understanding one important idea – what kind of marketing have they been doing?